序号 | 课程介绍 | Curriculum |
1 | 汉语作为第二语言教学(一) | Teaching Chinese as A Second Language (i) |
2 | 汉语语言学导论 | Introduction to Chinese Linguistics |
3 | 汉语第二语言习得 | Chinese Second Language acquisition |
4 | 语言教育研究方法 | Language Education Research Methods |
5 | 汉语作为第二语言教学(二) | Teaching Chinese as A Second Language (ii) |
6 | 第二语言教学与信息科技 | Second Language Teaching and Information Technology |
7 | 国际中文课程与教学设计 | International Chinese Curriculum and Instructional Design |
8 | 中华文化及跨文化交际 | Chinese Culture and Intercultural Communication |
9 | 汉英语言对比研究 | Comparative Study of Chinese and English Languages |
10 | 国际中文汉字与汉字教学 | International Chinese Characters and the Teaching of Chinese Characters |
11 | 语言测试与教学评估 | Language Testing and Teaching Evaluation |
12 | 国际中文教育专题研究 | International Chinese Education Thematic Research |