专业方向 | 医学 | 项目类别 | 入学时间 | 项目时长 | |||
项目学费 | 项目规模 | 平均成绩 | 国际学生 | ||||
男女比例 | 就业比例 | 平均起薪 |
序号 | 课程介绍 | Curriculum |
1 | 个体化健康管理概论 | Introduction to Personalized Health Management |
2 | 营养学导论 | Introduction to Nutrition |
3 | 中医食疗 | Traditional Chinese Dietary Therapy |
4 | 公共卫生与预防医学导论 | Introduction to Public Health and Preventive Medicine |
5 | 中医健身功法(理论与实践) | Bodybuilding in Traditional Chinese Medicine (Theory and Practice) |
6 | 健康管理系列讲座 | Lecture Series on Health Management |
7 | 中医药学概论 | Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy |
8 | 中医体质学 | Physique Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine |
9 | 中医康复护理 | Rehabilitation Nursing of Traditional Chinese Medicine |
10 | 中医美容学 | Cosmetology of Traditional Chinese Medicine |
11 | 常见都市疾病管理 | Management of Common Urban Diseases |
12 | 见/实习 | Internship |
13 | 专题论文 | Dissertation Project |