专业方向 | 语言 | 项目类别 | 入学时间 | 项目时长 | |||
项目学费 | 项目规模 | 平均成绩 | 国际学生 | ||||
男女比例 | 就业比例 | 平均起薪 |
类型 总分要求 小分要求
雅思 6.5 /
托福 79 /
六级 500 /
序号 | 课程介绍 | Curriculum |
1 | 研究方向 | Research stream |
2 | 西方翻译理论 | Western Translation Theory |
3 | 中国翻译话语 | Chinese Discourse on Translation |
4 | 译学必读 | Essential Reading in Translation Studies |
5 | 研究方法论 | Research Methodology |
6 | 翻译研讨会(一) | Translation Seminars I |
7 | 专题论文/项目 | Dissertation/Project |
8 | 翻译研讨会(二) | Translation Seminars II |
9 | 翻译方法与策略 | Methods & Strategies of Translation |
10 | 双语传译:风格、修辞与表达 | Bilingual Communication: Style, Rhetoric & Delivery |
11 | 双语表意:改编与重写 | Bilingual Presentation: Adaptation & Rewriting |
12 | 创意工业双语写作 | Bilingual Writing for Creative Industries |
13 | 翻译大师班 | Master Classes in Translation |
14 | 语料库与翻译 | Corpus-based Approach to Translation |
15 | 比较翻译理论 | Translation Theory: A Comparative Approach |
16 | 赞助者与基督教书册翻译实务方向 | Patronage & Translation of Christian TractsPractical Stream |
17 | 翻译方法与策略 | Methods & Strategies of Translation |
18 | 翻译大师班 | Master Classes in Translation |
19 | 双语传译:风格、修辞与表达 | Bilingual Communication: Style, Rhetoric & Delivery |
20 | 双语表意:改编与重写 | Bilingual Presentation: Adaptation & Rewriting |
21 | 研究方法论 | Research Methodology |
22 | 创意工业双语写作 | Bilingual Writing for Creative Industries |
23 | 翻译研讨会(一) | Translation Seminars I |
24 | 翻译研讨会(二 | ) Translation Seminars II |
25 | 西方翻译理论 | Western Translation Theory |
26 | 中国翻译话语 | Chinese Discourse on Translation |
27 | 译者必读 | Essential Reading in Translation Studies |
28 | 性别与翻译 | Gender Issues in Translation |
29 | 语料库与翻译学 | Corpus-based Approach to Translation |
30 | 比较翻译理论 | Translation Theory: A Comparative Approach |
31 | 赞助者与基督教书册翻译 | Patronage & Translation of Christian Tracts |