专业方向 | 语言 | 项目类别 | 入学时间 | 项目时长 | |||
项目学费 | 项目规模 | 平均成绩 | 国际学生 | ||||
男女比例 | 就业比例 | 平均起薪 |
类型 总分要求 小分要求
雅思 6.5 /
托福 79 /
六级 450 /
序号 | 课程介绍 | Curriculum |
1 | 语言学通用方向 | General Linguistics Stream |
2 | 语言及其应用 | Language and its Applications |
3 | 社会语言与文化 | Language and Culture in Society |
4 | 语音学及音系学 | Phonetics and Phonology |
5 | 句法学与构词学 | Syntax and Morphology |
6 | 语义和语篇 | Semantics and Discourse |
7 | 汉英语法对比研究 | Contrastive Studies of Chinese and English Grammar |
8 | 系统功能语言学 | Systemic Functional Linguistics |
9 | 语言哲学 | Philosophy of Language |
10 | 历史语言学 | Historical Linguistics |
11 | 语言共性与语言类型学 | Language Universals and Linguistic Typology |
12 | 语言学专题研究 | Special Topics in Linguistics |
13 | 粤语的发音、词汇、语法 | The Cantonese Language: Pronunciation, Lexicon and Grammar |
14 | 汉语语法 | Grammar of Chinese |
15 | 语用学 | Pragmatics |
16 | 语义学的高级专题研究语文研究与应用 | Advanced Topics in Semantics Language Studies and Applications Stream |
17 | 语言及其应用 | Language and its Applications |
18 | 社会语言与文化 | Language and Culture in Society |
19 | 心理语言学 | Psycholinguistics |
20 | 社会语言学 | Sociolinguistics |
21 | 语料库语言学 | Corpus Linguistics |
22 | 篇章语言学 | Text Linguistics |
23 | 计算机语言学 | Computational Linguistics |
24 | 计算词典编纂学 | Computational Lexicography |
25 | 计算机辅助语言学习 | Computer-Assisted Language Learning |
26 | 术语学 | Terminology |
27 | 翻译技巧 | Translation Technology |
28 | 人机交互翻译 | Human-Machine Interactive Translation |
29 | 第二语言习得的研究 | Studies of Second Language Acquisition |
30 | 对外汉语教与学 | Learning and Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language |
31 | 应用语言学研究方法翻译及传译方向 | Research Methodology for Applied LinguisticsTranslation and Interpretation Stream |
32 | 语言及其应用 | Language and its Applications |
33 | 社会语言与文化 | Language and Culture in Society |
34 | 翻译理论 | Theory of Translation |
35 | 翻译方法论 | Translation Methodology |
36 | 口译方法论 | Interpretation Methodology |
37 | 译者双语阅读与写作 | Bilingual Reading and Writing for Translators |
38 | 汉英教学语法 | Pedagogical Grammar: Chinese and English |
39 | 术语学 | Terminology |
40 | 文体与翻译 | Stylistics and Translation |
41 | 翻译中的文化 | Culture in Translation |
42 | 交替传译 | Consecutive Interpretation |
43 | 翻译技巧 | Translation Technology |
44 | 翻译中的语言文学 | Language and Literature in Translation |
45 | 翻译与比较文学 | Translation and Comparative Literature |
46 | 高级口译 | Advanced Interpreting |